after you are stopped by the blue tie guy, go back down the elevator and talk to the guy on the computer to the immediate left who’s name is mallek.walk to the right until you see the elevator, then go up it.present secret diary and security grub on 4.present nail polish, and say you are absolutely sure.once the sword guy is on the stand, press 1.IF YOU TRY TO ASK TYZIAS FOR A HINT, CLICK MENU, OR DO ANYTHING BESIDES SPAM PRESENT, YOU WILL SOFTLOCK THE GAME! present any items you want over and over until bronya starts yelling.tyzias will ask you a question, select “tirona was reminded of someone”, and then select lanque (who’s icon is in the bottom left) press on all three of her statements, and then select “present” on the first statement.a statement like “present h2d magazine on 3” would mean to navigate to the third statement through the previously mentioned actions and selecting the “present” button, then clicking on the “h2d magazine” item, and finally selecting the green “present” button. for example, “press 3” would mean click either the text box or the arrows on either side of the text box until the third dot is illuminated, then selecting “press”. you also have the opportunity to “present” items on these statements as well. –from this point on in the trial, you will have the option to “press” on certain statements indicated by the dots on the right side of the screen above the text box. call tirona to the stand (the little girl who’s icon is in the top row in the middle column).talk to grub guy again and give him the spice ( DD: ).talk to the guy who mentioned the grub (farthest right of the teal trolls).use the file you got from one of the bags on the security grub in the bathroom.talk to sword guy (to the right of marvus) and go through all dialogue options.rummage through all the bags in the open-able lockers.talk to the leader bronya, (the troll to the left of marvus the clown) and get the key to the lockers.try to open the lockers on the left side of the room.go look at the grub in the bathroom (top right of the room, looks like a security camera).make sure to go through all dialogue options! from left to right, talk to all the trolls in the car.make sure to go through all the dialogue options so you understand whats going on! talk to tyzias, the one with the notebook.personally, i think this method isn’t as good but hey, it gets you through)

(there are multiple ways to get through this trial. go to the end of the car and select “stop”.talk to the bandaged troll again about the same topic.go back and talk to the backpack trolls about stopping the fight.talk to the troll with the bandages, polypa.walk down the car until cirava stops you, dialogue options don’t matter.talk to the guy with the big backpack and passenger.go back to the custodian and exit the car.talk to the zookeeper on the far left and ask her what’s wrong.talk to the custodian on the far right and ask him to move.This shows car walkthrough (red, purple, control, green, blue) in Hiveswap: Act 2 Car Walkthrough Red Car